The Auspice Difference
- Same day Assessments.
- Cases can be staffed within a few hours.
- Cost effective rates. We can even secure a negotiated rate for your location.
We can bill private, long term care insurance, veteran’s benefits, and worker’s comp. We can also contract a rate for us to provide (30) days of service after discharge.
- Registered Nurse and Social Worker oversight of training and care standards.
- Primary Care Physician notification informing the Physician of the services we provide as well as updates as needed.
- Clear Care point of care online clocking and scheduling system. Caregivers can clock in and out using the client’s home phone, we then get an alert in our staffing department that they have made their shift on time. Clear Care is a point of care software with real time tracking. We can develop you own portal to access 24/7 to see how the patients care is going and if they need to possibly readmit to your location.
- Individualized Care Plans. These are specific to each client. The needs are assessed every 1-8 weeks depending on severity of the case.
- Oversight of client care. Evaluations are provided every 1-8 weeks and care conferences are held as needed to insure the progress of care. We will also review all care within the first 30 days of services and as needed to discharge planners, admissions, etc. Our goal is to assist you in minimizing excessive readmits to hospitals.
- Care Management Services offered to clients. We can provide med set refills, cognitive screenings, and placement assistance. The owner is also a Geriatric Care Manager and provides this service for free up to 2 hours. He can be a personal case manager to families and help guide them through the continuum of services.
- Extensive screening and training of employees. We provide Worker’s Comp and bonding insurance. All caregivers receive 5 hours of training prior to working with our clients.
- Trained and experienced staff to meet our client’s needs. Experienced staffing department and client care directors. Founder has over 10 years of experience working in the Senior Community.
Contact Us:
5616 N. Fresno Street, #103
Fresno CA 93710
559.436.4782 (24/7)
Contact Us
Monday-Friday: 8:00-5:00